Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



Should the Comanche come in without bringing with them the Prisoners, as it is understood they have agreed to do, you will detain them. Some of thier number will be dispatched as messengers to the tribe, to inform them that those retained, will be held as hostages until the Prisoners are delivered up, when the hostages will be released. It has been usual heretofore to give presents; for the future, such custom will be dispensed with. You will designate and take command of three companies of the 1st Regiment, who will be immediately marched to San An- tonio. On your arrival, you will occupy such position in the neighborhood of that place as will enable you most fully to carry into effect the foregoing orders. The Quarter Master's and Commissary's Departments will furnish the necessary transportation and Subsistence. A. SIDNEY JOHNSTON Secretary of War [Endorsed] Instructions To Lieut. Col. Wm. S. F:shcr ?·c!afr,e to a talk with the Comanche. Jan. 30th 1840. No. 78 REPUBLIC OF TEXAS IN ACCOUNT WITH JAMES H. STARR [March 6, 1840] The Republic of Texas To Ja. H. Starr Secy of Treay Dr For money advanced for expenses in removing Shawnee Indians as follows-to wit - To Jas. Reily " Hon. A. S. Johnston Secy at War " Merchants Bank N. Orleans for disc't on Post notes to pay Reily's Drafts $6000 4000 958.21

" amt. pd Drafts of Indian Comrs Messrs Rusk and Mayfield favr K H Douglass and Thorn Edwards and Co.


Austin March 6th 1840 $ 14,868.71 [Enclo1·s ed] James H Stan· Se<: cf ·T!-c'.lsy a~count fo,· m()ney advances $ 14,868.71

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