Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



Sec. 1st. Be it enacted, by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the Republic of Texas in Congress assembled, that the President, and he is hereby authorized to have surveyed, (the two leagues mentioned in the aforesaid act, as a reserve for the Coushatta Indians) at any one or more of the villages of said Indians, as he shall deem most expedient- [Note] File No. 135i. Bill lost. It was read first time Jan. 14, 1840 and passed the House that day on suspension of ru!e. Was laid on table in Senate, Jan. 22, 1840. No. 76 JAMES REILY'S CERTIFICATE OF PERSONAL EXPENSES [January 21, 1840] Amount paid expenses of James Reily-guard and horses in transportation of $ 25,000 in specie from Natchitoches to Nac- ogdoches 60.00 By cash paid expenses of J. Reily on return trip 30.00 Cash paid expenses of self in going from Houston to Orleans

50.00 41.50 50.00

Cash paid expenses in Orleans for 9 days Cash paid expenses at Nacogdoches for two months

$ 231.00 I certify the above is a true account of monies necessarily paid out by me acting as special agent to the Cherokee and for which

I hold no receipt- January 21st 1840



David G. Burnet

Act Secy of State [Endorsecl] J. Reily's certificate respecting personal expenses

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