Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



for the Indians aforesaid, shall be made conformable to the sur- veys next adjoining, that is. to say, if the surveys next to those to be made for the Indians aforesaid, front one and a-half miles on the river, or are square surveys, the surveys to be made for the Indians shall be made in like manner; Provided always, That the improvements of said Indians shall ·be as near in the center of the two leagues to be appropriated to the use of each tribe, calculating from the side lines, as practicable. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the President be and he is hereby authorised and required to have surveyed on the va- cant lands of this Republic, thirty miles square, at some proper point on the frontier, on which all the friendly Indians, within this Republic, shall be placed as soon as circumstances will per- mit. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Government shall at all times, exercise exclusive jurisdiction over the soil included in the surveys contemplated by this act, and also criminal juris- diction over the aforesaid tribes of Indians. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the President be and he is hereby authorised and required to appoint an Indian Agent for the Coushatta and Alabama tribes of Indians with such instructions and powers as may be necessary to accomplish the object contemplated by this act; and that the sum of two thou- sand dollars in promissory notes be and the same is hereby ap- propriated to carry the same into effect. Sec. 6. Be 'it further enacted, That whenever it shall be dtemed expedient to remove said tribes of Indians, and they are actually removed off of said reserved lands, the same shall be held subject to the future disposition of Congress. DAVID S. KAUFMAN Speaker of the House of Representatives DAVID G. BURNET, President of the Senate. Approved 14th January, 1840. MIRABEAU B. LAMAR An act explanatory of "An act authorizing the President to ha,·e surveyed a reserve of lands for the Coushatta and Ala- bama Indians"-

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