Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



tance above Fort Smith in the United States of America, did steal and carry off from the County of Fannin in this Republic the following property namely. Dis. two horses the property of D. Rowlett worth 350 one horse the property of J. R. Fitzgerald worth 150 one mare belonging to J. R. Garnett worth 150 One mare the property of John Duncan worth 200 one mare the property of George Duncan worth 150 two mares and one colt the property of George Duncan 200 One horse the property of J. C. Dodds worth 150 two mares the property of John and Isham Davis 200 1550 Your petitioners would further state that sd. Indians were pur- sued by himself and eleven other citizens of the County of Fan- nin a distance of about 250 miles and so closely that sd. Indians were compelled to leave on the way one of the mares belong to the Davises, which was retaken on their trail, and when sd. Indians had been trailed up within a very short distance of Fort Smith in the United States when sd. Indians then lived, your petitioners took from sd. Indians one of the mares belonging to George Duncan and the colt of sd. mare, but sd. Indians were able to conceal the ballance of the property stolen as aforesaid. Your sd. petitioners then went to General Armstrong the Chero- kee Agent state and near Fort Smith to whom they made a com- plaint and sd. agent readily promised that the value of all sd. property together with expense of pursuing it should be retained out of the first Annu'ity which might fall due to sd. Indians upon propper application being made for the same Which I hope you will do through the Charg A of the United States residing near this government. 1550 from which deduct 225 for recovered horses 225 All amounting in value to the sum of

1325 252

leaves a balance of to which add the sum of

to cover the expenses of 12 men 15 days 1577 Will make the sum of fifteen hundred and seventy seven dollars due us for sd. horses, and for detecting the thieves the recovery

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