Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



No. 71


Nacogdoches 2nd Octr 1839


To Jas. H. Starr

Sec of the Treasury

Sir, You will please pay to Thorn Edwards & Co or order the sum of Three Thousand, Three Hundred and Twelve 50/100 Dollars, in Gold and Silver or its equivalent. That amount being the balance due them on account of payments made by them to the Shawnee Indians, as per ac- count voucher rendered to us. Resp Yours THO J RUSK l ~ Cornrnsrs. JA. S. MAYFIELD I [Endorsed] Pay the within amt to O Engledow or order and oblidge Yrs. Thom Edwards & Co. No. 72 DRAFT ON GOVERNMENT [1839] .T_hos. J. Rusk and James S. Mayfield Cornssr in act with the Government of Texas Dr 1839. To this amount recd of Jas Reily

" $4000 3812

" Do recd of Jas Reily and Peter Gray " Draft on the Secretary of the Treasury in favour of Thorn Edwards & Co dated 2nd Oct 1839 " "Draft on the Secretary of the Treasury in favour of K. H. Douglass dated 2nd Oct 1839

3312 50


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