comply with the provisions of this act there shall be filed in the Treasury Department, by the governor of the State or his duly authorized agent a certified abstract, accompanied with original or certified vouchers or such other proof as may be required by the said acounting officers, showing the amount of such expen- ditures and indebtedness and the purposes for which the same were made. Sec. 3. That the Secretary of the Treasury shall report in writing to Congre~s, at the earliest practicable time. for final action, the results of such examination and investigation, to- gether with the amount or amounts so audited: Provided, That in making up the accounts as required by this act the account- ing officers shall not allow for any expenditures, indebtedness, or compensation for services, at a rate greater than was at the time customary under the laws of the United States, and the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Wa-::, in the settle- ment of similar accounts. [Endorsed] A BILL To authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to ascer- tain and report to Congress the allliunt of money expended and indebtedness, assumed by the State of Texas in repelling raids, incursions, and hostilities by Indians and Mexicans in said State and upon its borders, and in frontier defense. January 23, 1880.-Read twice, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
United States Senate Chamber, Washington, Feb. 21, 1880
Hon. 0. M. Roberts
Govr. of Texas Govr. Yours of Jany 13th enclosing Statement of the Comp- troller of "alleged indebtedness of the United States to Texas for Frontier Service, Statement of Adjt. Genl. Jones and other documents including a letter from Gen. Ord with accompanying reports made by him was received in due time and not acknowl- edged before because as soon as received some of them were needed in use before-a House Committee and handed to Hon Mr. Upson for the purpose, and their return was awaited The
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