Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. IV



Printer's No., 1767.

46th Congress, 2d Session.

H. R. 3774. In the House of Representatives. January 23, 1880. Read twice, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Upson, by unanimous consent, introduced the following bill: A BILL To authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to ascertain and report to Congress the amount of money expended and in- debtedness assumed by the State of Texas in repelling, sup- pressing, and guarding against invasions, raids, incursions, and hostilities by Indians and Mexicans in said State and upon its borders, and in frontier defense. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep1·esenta,tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and is hereby, author- ized and directed to cause to be examined, investigated, and audited the accounts of the State of Texas, asserted as claims against the United States, for money expended and indebtedness assumed in organizing, arming, equipping, supplying, clothing, subsisting, transporting and paying the volunteer and militia forces, minute-men, and companies of said State for services from the twenty-fifth day of February, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, until the twenty-eighth day of January, eighteen hun- dred and sixty-one, and since the twentieth day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, in repelling, suppressing, and guarding against invasion, raids, incursions, and hostilities by Indians and Mexicans in said State and upon its borders, and in frontier defense. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Treasury shall also cause the accounting officers to examine, investigate, and audit the accounts of the said State of Texas for all other proper expenses necessarily incurred on account of said forces, minutemen, and companies having been in active service as herein mentioned, including the claims assumed or paid by the said State for horses and other property lost while in the line of duty by said forces: Pmi-ided, That in order to enable the accounting officers to fully

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