TEXAS INDIAN PAPERS, 1860-1916 431 ities for Cattle stealing and for the escape to Mexico of thieves with their plunder through the jungle that lines the river for several miles back from the banks ,are such, that a force of State Troops who can make summary arrests is very necessary The United States Troops you are doubtless aware are forbid- den by law from making such arrests, so that their presence alone, with a view to the apprehension and punishment of raid- ers and Cattle thieves, who can and do Claim to be Citizens, will not suffice. Besides, my force is so small that I can now only spare ten men as a guard and patrol at Santa Maria,-and a like force at Edinburg- who may be useful in giving informa- tion to the State troops that may lead to the arrest of raiders- If it meets with your approval, and you can give similar directions I shall be glad to direct the U. S. Cavalry to COOP- erate with Sergt. Rudd, or the Commander of the detachment of State troop, at all times I am sir respectfully your obedient Servant---etc. E. 0. C. ORD Br Genl USA Commdg.
Washington, D. C., Deer. 15th 1879.
Governor 0. M. Roberts, Austin, Texas
Dear Sir:
At the recent extra session of Congress I intro- duced the Joint Resolution, a copy of which is herewith en- closed, to secure the repayment to Texas of the moneys ex- pended in the defense of our frontier. The account of the state of the monies so expended has been in some way mislaid. Will you do me the favour to leave this account made out to date and forworded to me at your earliest convenience, as we wish to early action on this subject by the peoples committee.
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