Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. IV



No. 262 LETTER FROM E. 0. C. ORD TO 0. M. ROBERTS Headquarters Department of Texas,

San Antonio, Texas,

April 12th 1879.

His Excellency,

The Governor of Texas. Austin, Texas.

Sir: I have the honor of forwarding to you a copy of Special Orders no. 1, current series District of the Pecos, and a map of the region embraced in that district. The latter will indicate the locality of all the camps, inclusive of Pena Blanca, (not named in S.O. 1), and recently discovered springs, water holes etc. The information is furnished that the "Rangers," or state forces, may know where they can with safety find water and friends when in pursuit of maurauders, or others.

I am, Sir very respectfully, Your obedient servant, E. 0. C. ORD Brevet Major General Commanding.

1 Enclosure

(Map mailed in seperate package.)

No. 263 TELEGRAM FROM E. 0. C. ORD TO 0. M. ROBERTS [April 13, 1879] Dated San Antonio 14 1879 Received at Austin Apl 14 To Gov. of Tex. Austin Commanding officer Fort Griffin has been informed by Com- mander Ft Sill that seventh instant forty five Kiowa led by two brothers of m&n killed by Rangers last winter started for Tex supposed in direction of Griffin is endeavoring to organize some citizens to act with mounted soldiers in Scouting after said In- dians

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