Wilbarger Co. The Indians are on headwarters of Beaver Cr. and as ranchemen and hunters have lost stock lately, it is thought they have been stolen by these bands, and they have been going to camps and making hunters cook rations, and abusing every white man they find. If you think advisable, I can make a trip up there and back in about 10 days, and am satisfied we can bring scalps back with us. Our horses are in very good condition for such a trip. Would like to start as soon as possible, and if you think it advisable, telegraph permission.
Y'r ob't serv't G. W. ARRINGTON
Official Copy
Jno. B. Jones Adjt. Gen'l. State of Texas
Lt. Com'd'g Co "C"
[Endorsed] Camp Loma Vista Deeb 19. 1878. Arrington, G. W.
Lt Co. C frt Batt I informed that Several bands of Indians are encamped about 100 miles North. Stock has been stolen from ranchmen, it is thought, by these Indians & they make hunters cook rations for them. Asks permission to make a Scout after them.
No. 244 PETITION FROM CLARENDON, DONLEY COUNTY, TEXAS [December 30, 1878] At a meeting of the Citizens of the village of Clarendon, Donley County. Texas, held at Clarendon, this 30th day of Dec. A.D. 1878. Dr. H. R. Fowler, was duly elected President and T. Leach, Secretary of said meeting, and presents the following Preamble and Resolution: First, That there is at the present time about two thousand Indians in this part of Texas, without permission, who seem to be acting in concert and with some settled plan, understood among themselves, and who say posi- tively that they will not return to their reservation without a more satisfactory treaty is entered into, and further they have already taken possession of the Palo Duro Canyon where Cap- tain Chas Goodnight has about Eleven thousand head of cattle and are killing his cattle for food. Second. That there are many families and stock men, who have undertaken to permanently
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