Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. IV



I received the above order hoping that they would come and save delay. I Left instructions for their entertainment until my return with positive orders for no investigation to take place during my absence. I make all the dispatch possible and write you fully when again at home. No late Indian trails seen in the viewing of the agency.

Your Friend S. A. BLAIN

Gen) Sam Houston) Austin) Texas) [EndOTsed] S. A. Blain

Fo1t Arbuckle June 29th, 1860 Respecting Investigating Commissioner

No. 30 PETITION FROM CITIZENS OF BURNET COUNTY TO SAM HOUSTON Burnet July 25th 1860 Sam Houston Gov of the State of Texas Sir We the under named ~ubscribers, citizens of Burnet County beg leave to make the following report and ask some assistance in our present embarras8ed condition. Our County is again full of Indians, almost in every direction Some Fifty Horses have already been stolen, some killed and a great many missing, in a word Our People are grately excited, and unless something can be speedily done our county is ruined. Aiming to the long protracted, drought our only means of support for our families depend upon our stock, and if the people are left long in their present condition, they will be compelled to remove their stock at a grate sacrifice and leave those behind that are unable to moove in an almost destitute condition. We ask some relief from the state, not ignorant though of the peculiar circumstances by which the ex- ecutive is surroundid-we hope nevertheless that our situation

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