Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. IV



side and a Grant on the other can teach- "Let us have peace" means peace to the Indian and oppression to the South; the quiet of the grave and the peace of the charnel-house- Texans must suffer every wrong and outrage, at the hands of savage Indians; be insulted through their Governor, by a "landel;m" [ ?] Attorney General but if a fish is caught (even during Lent) by a British subject, from the waters of the ocean, that wash the shores of Massachusetts; Ben Butler goes junket- ing to Canada at an enormous expense to the Government and demands indemnity for the Past and security for the Future- If a horse is stollen from Michigan by a Canadian, "old Zac Chandler'' swears like a pirate; makes belligerent speeches in the Senate and calls upon the Government to investigate the out- rage- We must protect ourselves, and if all the frontier people will show the pluck and determination of our Scouting Party, "In- dian raids" will soon be a thing of the past- Texas- Since writing we have ascertained beyond a doubt that two In- dians were Killed-


Uvalde March 12th /75

Hon Richard Coke- Sir:

I take the liberty at the request of Judge More of for- warding to you a hastily written article upon the "Indian Raid" and "Scout" of 25th January last--which was sent to the "San Antonio Herald" for publication, but declined on the ground of its (length?)- I sent a special messenger to "Frio Cafion" on yesterday, to preserve the original certificate, but am sorry to inform you, that through ignorance of the gentleman who cap- tured it, has sent it to Genl Angus of San Antonio- You will find in the enclosed account an exact copy of the "original'' (to idem verbis) marked No 7-taken by me from the paper which Humphry captured- If you can not procure

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