Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. IV




during the greater part of the time of their residence at the Brazos Agency's they had more or less of their warriors in the field in defense of your State and especially at the time of Ma- jor Van Dorn's highly successful expeditions against the Co- manche Indians they had one third of their best warriors in the field with him fighting for the security as we then thought of our homes and yours; it was through them that he was en- abled to achieve the victories so credible for himself and for- tunate for your State. That suddenly in the midst of these successes against your ..eal enemies, they were compelled to leave the homes which they were fighting for, without a cause and without a hearing. That they have emigrated to and again settled in a wilder- ness country that was given them in lieu of the comfortable homea they were compelled to abandon in Texas. Here they fondly expected that by attending to their own affairs, that in the course of time the public mind would render a just verdict in their favor, and certainly would reveal the real perpetrators of the bloody deeds committed in your State. We prefered this to the breaking of the Treaties which we had entered into with the Government, though his accredited agents. It appears however that in these reasonable desires that we are to be dis- appointed, and we are still to be made the scape goat upon whom is to be thrown all the crimes committed on your frontier, whether the same be the work of the white or red man; against this we wish to enter our most solemn protest. In conclusion I am requested to say to your Excellency, that, in order that good men every where may judge between us and our accusers, we propose that your Excellency appoint a com- mittee of as many men of known veracity as your Excellency may deem necessary, who are acquainted with the customs and habits of the red man, and whose word will carry conviction to every truth living mind, whose duty it shall be to visit this Agency as a committee of investigation to examine and report the results of their inve13tigation, and we pledge ourselves to throw open to their scrutiny every camp, house and herd in this reservation. For surely if the stolen property of your citizens or the proceeds of its sale is here, it ought upon such investigation to be found. If you reject this we then propose to furnish from ten to one hundred of our best warriors to lead you to your enemies, conditioned that they receive the pay and rations of U. S. Cavalry, we to find our own arms and

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