294 TEXAS INDIAN PAPERS, 1860-1916 may be remitted. The amount of State tax this year levied on this county is six thousand four hundred and sixty six 48/100 dollars. In return the State salaries two judicial officers, who administer the laws. Their annual salary and contingent ex- penses amount to $5000. Their duties extend over six counties leaving the prorata share of the benefit derived by this county from the States Contribution just one sixth of that amount or $833 l/3 per annum. This is the sum total of the benefit derived by our people from their incorporation with the State of Texas. I have endeavored to recapitulate as briefly as possible the incontrovertable facts of our melancholy situation. To you, as an American soldier and gentleman, having the power to grant relief, I appeal in behalf of the people of this county for a rem- edy; and your eminent virtue as a public officer and sense of justice as a man lead me to hope the appeal will not be in vain.
I remain respectfully Your Obedient servant JEREMIAH GALVAN County Judge Cameron Co. State Texas
Agency of Kiowa and Comanche Cache Creek, I.T. April 1. 1869. Hon N. G. Taylor Commissioner of Indian Affairs Washington, D. C. Sir:
I have the honor to report upon the white children, recovered from the Kiowa and now in charge of Mr. Hugh Brad- ley, who is in the employ the United States as Guide and Inter- preter He states, there are two white children, named Eliza Bursco 13 years old and Isaac Bursco 6 years, old they were captured in June 1866, in Parker Co. Texas, the girl states her father and mother were killed Has a little Sister about 5 years old now,
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