Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. IV



Texas to facilitate the purpose I have in view as above Mani- fested; In conclusion, I take the oppertunity to express to your Ex- cellency the kindly sentiments and feelings universally pre- vailing I believe among the people of Northern Texas, towards the good people of Your State and the Mexican Rio Grande fron- tier generally, and their sincere determination that no trifling incidents ar occurrences shall ever be permitted to disturb the friendly relations-the increasing and mutually profitable com- mercial intercourse betwen Coahuila together with other Mex- ican States-with the State of Texas-and the rapid develop- ment of the varied and vast material elements of wealth which natural has prodigally bestowed upon both frontiers-which in- terests alone aside from higher and nobler considerations should ever move and bind both peoples to the exercise of the offices of Good neighborship-good faith, mutual respect and perpetual friendship.

With expressions of the highest. regard I am your most obt. svt. S. S. BROWN


Jany 7th 1868

Translation of Govs Letter This government, rec'd your communication dated the 7th inst giving information on your commission confered by the com- mittee for indians affairs established in the state of Texas. This Government will take into deliberation for assureing all the considerations you express in the letter refered to. It is beleived with respect to the indian tribes that very few of them living in the deserts of the Territory of Mexico, and particularly of the Kickapoo residing near the village of Musquis in this State, have committed acts of hostility in the State of Texas. I have the honor to manifest to you, the desire of this State that the said committee of investigation shall ascertain facts and that they may result to mutual benefit harmony and good relations between Mexico and the United States. I do not find any (inconvenience ajacent) objection to, your going to the village of Murques with the desire of holding a conference with the Chiefs and Captains of all the tribes and parts of tribes be-

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