curred any expense in bringing me home or what expense he incurred, Mr Hudson was promised fifty beef cattle for rescue- ing me from the Indians by the Citizens but was never paid them. FRANCIS M BUCKELEW Sworn to and Subscribed before me at office in Bandera City this 21st day of March A.D. 1868. Witness my hand and the Seal of the County Court; day and date last above written George Hay County Clerk Bandera Co. No. 174 LETTER FROM CITIZENS OF SAN ANTONIO TO E. M. PEASE San Antonio Texas 21st April 1868. Sir:- The undersigned, a committee on "the State of the frontier," appointed at a Mass Meeting held recently in this County, would in behalf of the distressed people of the western frontier re- spectfully solicit from you a careful transcript of any informa- tion in the Archives of the state relative to Indian outrages committed since April 1865, with the view of making a strenous and vigorous effort to secure protection at the hands of the National Government. We anticipate replies from the Chief Justices of the different Counties interested, to interrogatories on the same subject, but deem it of great importance to have the corroborative proof from your hand. It is the desire and intention of the Committee to submit a condensed statement of the number, extent, and date of Indian depredations in each County :-together with the number of In- dians, and the tribe, if Known, How Many persons were killed, wounded, or captured. With name in full, age, time and place, and whether killed or wounded by fire arms, arrows, or lances; and also whether any Captives have ~ince been heard from. How many horses or cattle were Stolen or killed, names of owners, brands, etc
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