It is reported that on Wednesday 8th they were met and whipped a larger force of Whites near Fort Mason Mason Co. On this line of depredation from the Brazos to Fort Mason. They have killed and wantonly wounded a very large number of Mares, Colts and stock cattle, Cutting their flesh and not using but little of the meat of the animals so wounded and killed. From my neighborhood they have stolen seventy head of horses. I lose nine. The number carried off on this drive will amount to over five hundred head. At all points they were pursued but from the rapidity of their travel and the fact that our horses at this season are weak they succeeded as far as we know in escaping not losing a man. I feel satisfied that it means Wa1· on their part and not preda- tory incursion, and emboldened by their great success next trip will attack our settlements and carry out their murderous designs Our people are not alarmed the time for fear has passed and now we want revenge How shall we retaliai.e? I hear an offer made by a citizen of this place to raise a Battalion say 400 men equip and furnish them with the ex- ception of arms and ammunition and place them under the charge of the state for an expedition to the Indian country- He is a reliable man and means what he says. Dr H Ryan authorises me to make the proffer to you for your acceptance. Dr. Ryan expects his pay from the U. States and would look to that service- The whole frontier wishes to engage in expedi- tions against the Comanche, and Captains and officers are fre- quent. Cannot your influence with the U. S. Govt. obtain us a Regt or two of fronti~rs men to engage in this indian War- fare. On a scale comensurate with its importance? Has Texas any means still in reserve We need them now more than ever to successfully prosecute this war And have we no prospect of pay for lost horses from U. States? for protected we are not, nor will be untill the fam- ilies and property of these Indians feel that we are fully able to repay them in their own way for all depredation. I am requested to ask if there are any army, or Six Shooters that can be placed in the citizens hands belonging to the state- other than those now in Dr Ryans possession. If so we would like to have 20 or 25 Six Shooters and will give Bond for their
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