present postion and carry on a trade with the people of Kansas, our condition on this frontier will allways be a precarious one Gen. enquire farther into this matter and let the authoritys at Washington City be apprise of it at once.
With a cincere hope of Speedy relief and of better times yet to come I close by asscribing in myself Your Obed Servt W. H. WHALEY
IEncfoned] Gainesville
Cooke County
W. H. Whaley Indian depredations & trafic with Kansas
No. 82 REPORT OF INDIAN DEPREDATIONS IN WISE COUNTY [September 1866] A reliable gentleman in Wise County, writing under date of September 17th 1866, to the Representative from that County, .says: "On last Friday the 14th Sept. about 20 or 25 Indians eame to Armstrong's on Willow Creek, in Wise County. We fought them, Killed and scalped one Indian, no one hurt on our side; they then attacked an old man, his son and two negro men, in Jack County, killed all of them but one negro and he I be- lieve is mortally wounded ; they then came to the Pearce Wood- ward place, one of the girls was going after water to the well, about 100 yards from the house. The Indians attacked her, lanced her several times; she was rescued by the bravery of her two brothers, Rolly and Henry-they bluffed all the Indians, no others hurt; they took three head of horses from this place. They then went to J. B. Floyd's, run a pony up to the house (the family in the house) and took it off; they did not molest anyone here. They then· traveled the roads towards Decatur, came upon Henson and Dean who had left town that evening for Jack County; the Indians pursued about 2 miles without success; they then went to the old Thorn place, (Bell
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