Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. IV



Govr- Herewith I enclose to you memorial from the frontier people as well as a letter from Col Mains that you can see the conditions of our frontier and give such publisity to the letter as you think proper in the premises. I visited the Comandant of the Post of Jacksboro (Capt Cram) last week-and made aplication to him to recomend to the comanding Genl of the department as well as to the Govr to call out a volunteer force of Rangers of at least 500 men to protect the frontier and it met with his hearty approval and has sent up the recomendation he is aware of the condition of the country and knows the necessity of the aid of rangers- that is well acquainted with the Indian caracter and country he Capt Cram has not execeeding 50 avaliable Troops and them badly mounted hence he can do nothing in the way of protection while I was at Jacksboro the Indians shot Calves in the Edge of Town and attacked his wagons on the Road from Veals Sta- tion but done no damage as he had an escort that held them off Col Pickett Et al of Wise County visited Jacksboro with me and they say there never has been as many Indians in the west part of Wise and Jack County before since they lived in the Country in fact not less than from 4 to 6 men will pass the Road I and Simkins have sint gathering cattle mounted our hands on finest horses hired what others we could and have sent them on a scout with Earharts and Wagoner's hands and a few others looking for the Trails of our Cattle that has been re- cently driven off It was_the only way we could get men (hire them) volunteering is plaid out without some pay the best in- formation we can get from the cowmen is that some 5 or 6,000 head of cattle is drove off Cattle that was gatherd in Jack Wise and Young and herded at our Wichita Ranch they are gone sure but where they are gone to we dont no Either to Kansas and Missouri or New Mexico I think when our Scout Comes in we will no which place they are drove to I do not consider that we have much left in the way of property to protect in the Wichita Country but Hughmanity demands the service of Ev- ery man that can do anything for the frontier people as well as Its the lntrust of all to keep the frontier as far out as posible for when the people that is now standing as brestwork for us in these Counties find out they are Intirely Stole out they will leave for good and go to some place of safety for themselves and families and I think that will be soon If they could only


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