Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. IV



20 oxen; from Gregorio Abilla two; from Casimoro Roibal four cows from Bitoriano Castillo three oxen and from Jesus Ortiz One ox; their value thirty dollars each --·-----------------------------·-------------$900.0 In the same robbery they took from Jose Jesus one ox, its value 30 dollars ----··-----------------·-----·-- $30.00 Four oxen from Don Bentura Lopes; their value thirty dollars each ----------------------- --·- -----..- -·- - - - $120.0 In the month of February of the year 1866, the Apache killed in this precinct of San Eluario four men and they took twelve oxen which the men had in a little cart; their value 30 each. ------------------------------- $360.0 The 15th day of March Apache Indians killed ten men in this same precinct of San Eluario who were coming from the Presidio of the North with [Incomplete] No. 66 LIST OF ANIMALS STOLEN BY APACHE IN EL PASO COUNTY [August, 1865 - March, 1866] [Translated from Spanish in the Original] State of Texas· County of El Paso List and report of the animals that were stolen by the Barbarous Apache, of this precinct no. 3. from the month of August of 1865 to date. 1st The 4th day of December they stole from Don Martin Lussan twenty-eight mares valued at twenty-five dollars each ··---··----·------------·--- 700.00 thirty-three mules with the value of thirty dollars each ----------------------------------------$990.00 Five horses thier value $30. each---------·------- 150.00


From Don Rafael Felles a horse with the value of thirty dollars ------------------------··------ $0030.00 and they left headed toward the Sierra of Guada- lupe

2nd The 12th day of March of/65 they stole a mare from Andres Chabes, a mare from Fabian Chabes,

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