Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. IV



No. 65 LIST OF ANIMALS STOLEN BY APACHE IN SAN ELUARIO [August 10, 1865 - March 15, 1866] [Translated from Spanish in the Original] State of Texas County of El Paso

List and report of the animals that have been stolen by the Barbarous Apache from this Precinct of San Eluario No. 4. from the month of August, 1865, to date. - The Persons that have died.

The 10th day of August, 1865, they stole four horses from Don Luz Gandasa and they headed toward the Sierra of Guadalupe; their value forty dollars each


The 15th day of September of the same year they stole from De Leon Granillo three yoke of oxen and seven cows; their value thirty dollars each ----------------$390. In the same robbery, from Jose Maria Juarez six oxen their value 30 dollars each ----------·-------------- $180. The 21st day of November of 65, the Apache stole three good horses from the corral of Gregoria Garcia their value 100. dollars each. ______________________ $300. The 11th day of April of 1866. the Indians stole from Gregorio Abbilla seven cows and from Gregorio Garcia six working oxen; their value thirty dollars each. ____ $390. The 26th day of September of 66. they stole from Ro- mano Sanchez, two horses and a breeding mare; their value 40 dollars each. ----------------------------- $120. The 10th day of October of 1866. The Apache stole seven horses one belonging to Nasario Gomes-two to Guadalupe Lopes--one to Luz Ramires-two to Tomas Sanches-and one to Benigno Escopeda; their value 75. dollars each, ---------------------------------- $525.0- The 30th day of January of 1861, the Barbarous Apache commited a great robbery of animals which were fol- lowed through the corral of Gregorio Garcia with 80 men for 12 days at the expense of the same individuals to that side of the Sierra of Guadalupe. In another robbery they took from Don Jesus Cobon

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