as a suitable person for the position who is now and has been during the Rebellion a consistant Loyal Citizen. THOS H. STRIBLING PEYTON SMYTHE Executive Office Austin Texas 20t".1 Oct 1865 I fully endorse the facts set forth in the foregoing state- ment with regard to the Indians on the frontier of the State but know nothing of the party applying for the Indian Agency and think more suitable men could probably be found A. J. Hamilton Provl Gov of Texas No. 62 PETITION FROM GILLESPIE COUNTY TO A. J. HAMILTON Fredericksburg Dec. 10th, 1865 To his Excellency. Governor Hamilton. We the citizens of Gillespie County would re- spectfully petition you in behalf of some unfortunate members of our community. On or about the middle of September, last 1865. Many depredations were committed by the Indians. and among other atrocities, seven helpless perrnns were carried off., by name: Cola Caroline McDonald Mahalah McDonald (daughter of the above named. Rebecca McDonald do " " " Alice Taylor neice of the above named. James Taylor nephew" " " Dorcus Taylor " " " Rodolph Fisher boy aged 14 yrs- The Indians, committing these depredations are general- ly believed to be the "Kiowa" and Govenor we earnestly solicit both your personal and Official assistance in the matter. that we may have the anguish of the relatives and friends relieved and the captives speedily returned.
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