Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. II



Nov. 23d 1845 Report of a Council held with the Comanche Indians, by Col. L. H. Williams. The following Indians were present. "Mope- chucope Ahkatsica, Santa Anna, Wabeoukeac, Nouishawipe. Tosawecut. Cuardepoa, Pardewac-lecua. Chieseppeti, Pavecea- woofpa. Parowrea, Wadacanapsa, SatarPransewa, Kanauma. who are all with exception of the first two, chiefs or captains belonging to Santa Anna's party. There was also present nearly Forty warriours, some of which were present at the last treaty. Previous to smoking an old chief arose and in a short speech counselled "the young men to peace," and re- marked that it was the wish of all the old men to preserve a friendly intercourse with their white brethren, that when he was young the old chiefs advised him to peace, and he ever regretted that he had acted contrary to their wishes, The coun- cil pipe was then passed around and after smoking, another chief repeated the previous advice in nearly the same words. Col. Williams then arose and said "My red brothers, I am glad to meet you in council this day, my white brethren are also well pleased. The Great Spfrit has made a good day and bright skies, so that our red brothers can hear us speak. Our chiefs has recently heard that Buffalo Hump has lost his wife, ~.nd has endeavored to return her to him, When Jim Shaw returns from Austin we shall learn whether our Chief was successfull. The path is now clean between the white men and their red brethren. It is true that we have bad men among us, but when- ever we find them, they are punished and we trust that the Co- manche will follow our example and punish their bad men. Every time the leaves of the trees fall our great White Chief will have presents for his red friends, He has appointed a Guu- smith to repair all their weapons but at the present he has not the means to repair all their guns but if the warriours will leave them he will mend them in the course of ten days. Our chief will be glad to learn that Santa Anna and his party have come in to make peace. After council the presents that our chief sent to his Comanche friends will be distributed" Mope- chucope then arose and said that the news that the white chief had told him at the last treaty on the Brazos, was very good and when he returned to his people he told all the young war- riours some of whom were now present, what the whites had said, and they were glad. They then went to war on the Mex-

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