Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. II



Trading House pr order of Benj Sloat 25c pr Bushell



l To all whom it may concern know ye

Republic of Texas County of Robertson j

that I John Marlin of said County and Republic have this day constituted and appointed Thomas Western of said County and Republic my true and lawful at- torney for the purpose of collecting the above account and do by these presents declare all Receipts. act or acts of the said Thomas Western in any wise necessary for the collection of the same as valid and binding upon me as though I myself were present and acting in the premises for myself. Given under my hand and a scroll for a seal this the 10th day of February A D 1845 DAVID BARCLAY J.P. JOHN MARLIN No. 302 LETTER FROM TORREY AND BROTHERS TO THOMAS G. WESTERN Houston September 1st 1845 We did not get yours of 27th ultimo in time ,to answer by mail, in reply to that as well as yours of 30th to hand this morning, we remark, that one of the teamsters will make arrangements to take the freight mentions at Arnolds, on his way up say to the amount of 5 or 600 lbs- We have despatched one load of goods designed for the Council, and Mr. J. F. Torrey is now at the Island, for the purpose of Completing the order so that the remainder can be forwarded by the arrival of the next boat- Maj T. G. Western Supt Indian Affairs Dear Sir,

We remain Yours Resplly TORREY AND BROTHER pr. W. A. Andross

[B111/urxed] Tun<>y & Bl'.)

Houston Sept 1st 184:i To Supt 1·eccl 3rd- Maj Thos G. Western Sup Indian Affairs Washington

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