TEXAS INDIAN PAPF.R~. 18-1..J-18,15
young men not to break the Treat~·. but tu assist one another, in maintaining it. I saw some at the last council. that pretended to be at peace, that are not here now. I fear the~· do not intend to Keep the Treaty. I do not see any now but what, I believe, will do as they promise. I have only to assure the Corns, and the different tribes present, that I have faithfully kept the Treaty and will continue to do so. and I call upon the Great Spirit to witness that what I say is true. and I want the other tribes to talk the truth so that we may all understand one an- other and live in peac!.3." Yellow or Little Wolf, War Chief, Comanche. "I have come here, because Mo-pe-chu-cope told me to come, for I would see that the white men were friends, and would treat me well, and I brought my warriors to be satisfied of the fact. I am glad to find that all I heard was true, that the white people are friendly, and that a Treaty has been made with them and the Indians present. I have come here to listen and not to talk, for our chief doe:3 all of that, but I find we all travel about with one another in friendship, and that ,vhat was told my young warriors is true, and it makes my heart glad to see all at peace among the white people and I hope it will last alwHys." The Council was then adjourned until tomor- row morning. Saturday Sept 20 1845. On account of a rain storm which commenced last night and continued the whole day, there was no council held. A note addressed to Col Thos I Smith one of the Corns, arrived about 5 0 elk stating that one of the waggons containing presents for the Indians, had broken down at Fish Creek Eight miles below the Falls of the Brazos, and that it would be impossible to have it repaired and arrive, before Monday or Tuesday the 22d or 23d inst. Sunday Sept 21st 1845. The Indians assembled at the Council House this morning, and after smoking the pipe of peace, Gen Morehouse addressed them as follows. "Brothers. One of our council Captains is Sick-and unable to attend this morning but his heart is with you. The talk we had day before yesterday was good. and let us do as we say,
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