have been rendered to you please transmit them to th'is office according to law, and if not, you will report to me the cause of so much delay, and whether the Traders T and Co. intend to render them to you as the Indian Agent and proper office ac- cording to law or receive them, in order to check these irregu- larities and 'illegal proceedings-as to yourself you have no more to do than to execute the law as it is, without favor or partiality and this it is expected you will do as a public officer, and as such you will bear •in mind that the Trading house of Torrey and Bro. is not legally constituted until they have con- formed with all the requirements of the law in the case, for by the same rule if they can evade or set at defiance one Section of the law Say the 10. they can Set at naught any other and thereby assume that to Trade require·s neither license or Bond. In a word I wish ·it to be distinctly mentioned that the Govt. is not to be trifled with-and that it is expected that you will do your duty in all Cases- No one more than myself can deplore the destitute condi- tion of his fellow beings, and no one laments the total absence of both Goods and funds in the present instance to remedy their wants, yet I can devise no means whereby to furn'ish the Cher- okee you mention, until the arrival of the Goods Sent for by the Govt., if then- You are well aware that those goods are intended and set apart for a special purpose, and that there are no funds to appropriate for [illegible] You will dispatch Jack Harry immediately to Warrens on Red River to inform the Delaware in that region that the Council to meet on the 15th. of September next will be held at Tehua- cana Creek. he has with him a Talk for the Hd. men. Enclosed I hand you an order to the Sherriff of Milam County for the Horses of Red Bear and others, you will im- prone [ ?] the earliest opportunity to send for them and have them brought to you, they must be at the Council in September next-without fail. - I have before me a letter from Mr. Byars he must labor un- der mistake or some moral delusion, or how could a man be to simple to suppose for a moment that a re-instatement could take place without a hearing, after charges of so grave a nature had been made-again Mr Byars sense of delicacy will not permit him to reside at Post No. 2. as I understand he says, and the Govt. has no use for a Blksmith. at Post No. 1. and a competent person already is or is about to be engaged for Post
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