proper and requisite that you should be there to meet them and inspire them with confidence. Your mo. obt Sert T. G. WESTERN Supdt Indian Affrs. It seems that the Report of the killing of John Ketchum by Tawakoni is altogether unfounded When you write pr mail envelop your letters to address of Hon. Sec. War and Marine, to save postage Where is Jim Shaw? Pr Jack Harry the bearer of this I send copies of the acts of the 7th and 9th Congress Contg all the laws relating to our "friend- ly intercourse with the Indians." to Mr. Agent Sloat and the same of Mr. Agent Williams the provisions of which you will see rigidly enforced. w. [Endorsed] Supdt. Washington 9 April 1845 To Sloat and Williams pr Jack Harry Express 11th
Trading House. April 14th 1845. $45. At Sight please pay to Messrs Torrey & Co or order the sum of Forty Five Dollars and charge the same to a/c of To Maj Thos G. Western ) ) Genl Supt of Indian Aff) his Yours etc Jack X Harry mark
) ) )
Recd. the above amount
Washington Texas.
T G. Western Superintendent of Indian Affars. forty five dollars TORREY & Co.
L. H. Williams Agent
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