No. 169 LETTER FROM THOMAS G. WESTERN TO ROBERT S. NEIGHBORS Indian Bureau-Washington 2d March 1845 To Capt R. S Neighbors Indian Agent Sir Your Communication dated 19th ult. is received-contents noted-am happy to find you had made progress in your Mission, and that there will be no obstacle to Carrying out your instructions as regards the Tonkawa-Their Selection of a Chief is approved and he shall have a "paper" upon evidence of his aptmt to the Station, and your further recommendation of his Worthiness-It was right and proper to give them a Beef at the "Talk"-The greatest economy must be used, no expense must be incurred beyond that which absolute necessity demands-The present appropriation will barely Suffice to meet the Current expense of the year and those incurred to the General Coundl Contemplated for Septem- ber next-Powder Soley for hunting purposes they can have out of the public Store at the Trading House on the Brazos, where their Guns also will be repaired for the Same purpose, by the armorer there free of charge. Should you find that their women and children require it at the Commencement at their new Camping Ground you can pur- chase for them one hundred (100) bushels of Corn provided it can be delivered to them at 25 Cents pr bushel-This is an act of humanity extended to them in view of your representation of their extreme destitution, and to relieve their present necessi- ties until the Hunters can supply their families with food. En- courage the women to plant Corn and if you find them so in- clined furnish them with Hoes, say not over two dozen which you can purchase at some place on the Colorado, the accounts for the above articles will be paid upon presentation at this office duly attested by you as Agent.- Under the provisions of the amendatory act of 3rd Feb. 1845 of which you have a Copy, you will arrest the Mr. Pennington you mentioned and make him give Bond to the Competent In- divial authority for his appearance at Court for Trial, the same Rule applies to all other persons found trad'ing with Indians
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