Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. II



Where I found on the 27h of May the Tonkawa in the vi- cinity of Gonzales-drinking liquor stealing cattle and com- miting depredations which made it necessary that I should re- main with them-I remained with them until the first of Sep- tember- The Tonkawa left for the Colorado-by way of the San Marcos. so as to avoid the settlements. I was informed by Capt Campos a Tonkawa that the Lipan had made peace with the Comanche before the late Treaty-I have the utmost confidence in the report of Campos I recd. your letter by the Lipan to attend the late Treaty- ! came on as fast as my illness would permit with the head men of the Lipan-but was so indisposed as not to be able to travel-when I dispatched the Lipan with instructions to attend the Council-as soon as I was able I returned to the Tonkawa camp on the Colorado-where I found the women picking out cotton and many of the men lying about Bastrop drunk-I En- quired of O'Quinn-why they did not keep out the settlements- He appeared-independent--saying a portion of their tribe was out west stealing Mexican horses-and that he felt assured that the people would sustain them-and that t.hey were compelled to remain in the settlements to get subsistence-My indisposi- tion required me to leave and so soon as I was able to ride again I came by Tonkawa Encamped on the head of Buckners Creek on the south for this place-Some four weeks since a party of 8 or 9 Indians came in to the town of Seguin in the night for the purpose of stealing horses-They were pursued and one of the Indians killed-His shot pouch and powder horn I am in- formed can be proved to have belonged to a Lipan Indian-also a blanket was taken which was identified by Mr. Johnson of Seguin as belonging to the Lipan- The Inhabitants generally believe that the Lipan and Ton- kawa commit depredations daily--! have the honor To be your Servt C GREEN Indian agent [Endorsed] Report of C. Green Agent to the Lipan and Tonkawa- Red. 17 Dec 1844

Majr. Thos. G. Western Supt. of Indian affairs Washington

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