so long as they can get such goods as they need at the trading houses. Art. VII. They further agree and declare, that the Govern- ment of Texas shall establish trading houses for the convenience and benefit of the Indians, and such articles shall be kept for the Indian trade as they may need for their support and com- fort. Art. VIII. They further agree and declare, that when peace is fully established between the white and the red people, and no more war or trouble exists, the Indians shall be supplied with powder, lead, guns, spears and other arms to enable them to kill game and live in plenty. Art. IX. They further agree and declare, that they will not permit traders to go among them unless they are sent by the Government of Texas, or its officers. Art. X. They further agree and declare, that the Indians will not sell any property to the whites, except such as are author- ised to trade with them by the Government of Texas. Art. XI. They further agree and declare, that the President shall appoint good men to trade with the Indians at the trading houses, so that they may not be cheated; and, also, that he shall appoint good men as agents who will speak the truth to the In- dians and bear their talks to him. Art. XII. They further agree and declare, that if the trading houses should be established below the line, to be run and marked, the Indians shall be permitted to cross the line for the purpose of coming to trade. Art. XIII. They further agree and declare, that no whiskey, or other intoxicating iiquor, shall be sold to the Indians or fur- nished to them upon any pretext, either within their own lim- its or in any other place whatsoever. Art. XIV. They further agree and declare, that the govern- ment of Texas shall make such presents to the Indians as the President from time to time shall deem proper. Art. XV. They further agree and declare, that the President may send among the Indians such blacksmiths and other me- chanics, as he may think best, for their benefit: and also that he may send schoolmasters and families for the purpose of in- structing them in a Knowledge of the English language and Christian Religion, as well as other persons to teach them how to cultivate the soil and raise corn.
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