Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. II

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informed them that this was the last time that we would vissit them for the purpose of making peace or trying to get them to a council then he spoke and said he was ready to go to the council that he had give his word last spring to do so and he would stand to what he had said when he had said so several joined him but Buffalo Hump would not agree to go only as he had first said, we ware thare several days whilst we ware thare some of our animals are out of the way and young man we had hired to attend to them ware .out hunting them being on some high point in view saw some young men on parade just about to start to ware [war] against the Mexicans took an alarm and ran in to the Keechi Village and told me ware all Killed and he only made his escape by being out a horse hunting that caused some uneasiness amongst the Indians in that direction but soon learnt to the contrary we ware detained a day or so looking for the young man but could make no discoveries nor get no in- formation about him 2nd we started in leaving the young war Captain behind but on the second day he overtook us we all got on well to the Keechi Village whare we overtook the young man that had taken the alarm and left ur: ou our arriving at that place knowing of Col. Williams and his company coming on to meat them I John Conner left them in charge of Jas. Shaw and came on to bring the information of the Indians coming in, in two days after I left Colo. Williams and his company came on and they all started down all farther information we think you will get out of Colo. Williams.

So we remain your most humble Servants JOHN CONNER his X mark JAMES SHAW his X mark

Witness Daniel G. Watson


Minutes of a Grand Council held near the Falls of the Brazos, between the Republic of Texas and the Indians, commencing on Monday October the 7th 1844. Present at the Council.-His Excellency, Sam Houston, Pres- ident of the Republic of Texas; Col J. C. Neill, Col Thos I Smith and Gen E Morehouse, Commissioners, Hon G. W. Hill, Sec-

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