Washington 23 Sept., 1844
Benj. Sloat Esq. Sir
The Express pr. Jack Harry arrived last Eving. and I re- ceived your note of the 20th inst. together with the enclosure. The President is here and will start for the Falls tomorrow morng. so that he will be there in one or two days after this reaches you, then he will communicate with the Commissioners and his further progress will be concerted as he is very feeble from ill health and may not be able to travel far. Commissioner Neill left here on the 20th with instructions to purchase provisions, he will be with you before you receive this. Mr. Torrey left here for Houston yesterday to hasten on the goods for the Treaty, he said that some of the Wagons were to leave that place this morng. Yr. mo. obt st THOMAS G WESTERN Supdt. Indian Affairs [EndorsPd] Superintendent To Washington Sept. 23d 1844 Benj Sloat Agent
No. 69 DRAFT ON GOVERNMENT [September 23, 1844]
Mr Millican The bearer Jack Harry is an Express on business of the Govt. You will please charge his ferriage to acct of the Indian Dept. Washington Sept. 23, 1844 Yrs etc. T. G. Western Supdt. Jndi,an Affairs The acting Treasurer will pay the above amount of fit ty cents, out of appr for Indian purposes. Sept. 26, 1844 Yours respectfully, SAM HOUSTON [Endorsed] Treasurers Office Oct. 12th 1844 Received of Jas H Raymond Actg Treasurer the amt of the
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