The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume III



No. 1414 1839 Aug. 20, J. WOODWARD, NEW YORK, [NEW YORK], TO M:. B. LAMAR, [HOUSTON, TEXAS) 13 To his Excellency General Mirabeau B Lamar President of the Republic of Texas Sir Having found from observation that my humble representa- tion of the Republic of Texas was not wholly useless in this quarter of the union and perhaps in Europe, in counteracting, and perhaps in a measure putting down, the calumnies against her; and in plain and multiform statements and publications of her true character and re- sourses, I had determined, altho' at great, expense and cost and with 7 out any renumeration, to hold the office until she were recognized by one of the cardinal powers of Europe, knowing that then the recog- nition of the other powers would almost necessarily ensue. This aus., picious event having happened in the recognition of France, the in- formation of which was received at this consulate on the 19th instant and the despatchesu from Paris passed to the government of Texas, which you have no doubt received, and the nationality of Texas thus firmly established, she can no longer need services such as mine, but may command talents of superior g-rade and more pre-eminent stand- ing, I therefore hereby do myflelf the honor of most respectfully sig-· nifying my resignation as Consul General, with great thanks for the u[n]merited honor bestowed upon me and my best wishes for the rapid prosperity of our young and rising republic. I have the honor to be with cordial esteem and high con- sideration Sir Your obedient Srvant John Woodward New York 20th. Augt. 1839. [Addressed] His Excellency. General Mirabeau B Lamar. President of the Republic of Texas. 13 A. L. s. [Endorsed] John Woodward 1839-20 Augst N York "These despatche~ comprisf'd two lettc,r~ from J. P. Hend.(]rson to the s~cre- tary of State, dated Paris, July 26, 1839, in which he st:it:ed th!tt France had agreed to reecognize the independence of Texas by a treaty of amity and com-· merce. The endorsement which is omitted in Garrison, reads: ''Recd. & !orwd. by Y. 0. S. C. II. Forbes V. C. T. N. Y. August HI. 1839." Printed ut Garrison, G. P., Diplomatic Correspondence of the Republic of Tercas II, 1256-65. '

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