inferior lots sold for from 4 to 600 Dolls,-The sales were numerously attended, we[a]ther very dry-& provisions & water scarce. [Addressed] [Endorsed J His Excellency, J B Ransom Genl. M. B. Lamar Private Secty Galveston, Houston 7 Augt Favr. 1839 Mr Moreland No. 1391 1839 Aug. 7, B. T. ARCHER, VELASCO, [TEXAS], TO 1\L B. LAMAR, [GALVESTON], TEXAS 01 Velasco Augst. 7th. 1839- My Dear Sir: The suffering condition, and heavy complaints, of our Northern, and Western, fellowcitizens, all charged as you know, (whether right or wrong,) To Executive neglect, or indifference; In- duces me to address this private communication. From my general knowledge of the section of country to be pro- tected from Indian aggression, combined with a tolerable accurate knowledge, of the character of those Indians tribes; by whose weekly incursions, our Northern and Western, Settlements, are desolated. I Take the liberty of suggesting (for your consideration and decision) a plan of operation, combineing economy with efficiency. In my judgment two hundred and fifty men, well officered arm'd and equipd. would be equal to the defence of O\Ir whole Northern and West- ern frontier, (Between the Trinidad River on the East, and Nueces on the West,) against all Indian enemies. The above number of troops, I would divide .into companies of fifty (rank and file) with one Captain, and two Lieutenants to each; one Colonel to command the whole. By way of honorary distinction, I would style them, the 1st. Corps elite. They ,should be mounted men armd. with double barrel guns, and pistols, (one pistol to each man.) Each company of fifty, should be furnished, with one long Brass three pounder, mounted on light wheels, with a caseon for storeing ammunition. The double barrel guns should have flint and steel locks, with spring bayonets, one barrel rifle bore, the other smooth. The pistols should be of the same construction, with the exception of the bayonet. The Brass three pounder, should be on the Cockran or most improved cylinder plan; each cylinder con- taining nine charges, and therefore able to give nine fires in rapid succession. This force, I would station as follows. One company, equi-distant between the Nueces, and San Antonio Rivers; a second, at the West fountain of the San l\Iarcos; a thir[d J, on the headwaters Honey Creek (a little East of Colorado River); a fourth, at the· mouth of Cow Creek, or the former Mexican Garriso[n J on the Brazos; and the fifth, on the Trinidad, about thirty miles above the crossing of that River, by the upper San Antonio road. At the points selected for the locations
• 1 A. L. S.
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