The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume III



Texas upon an elevated position with other nations.- And having seen in the news papers from under the hand of our present Minister near the government of the United States, that he intends to return to Texas, in November next, I ventured to nominate one in his stead whom I fee] no hesitation in saying, would do more in accomplishing a speedy and advantageous Treaty for Texas, than any man living.-It cannot be that you require eulogy of Dr Archer, or that his character and standing require it from any one, but it may not be inappropriate to give some reasons for tha appointment.- Dr. Archer as the author and father of the Texas revolution, stands preeminently above any other man in the'United States.- His firmness and singleness of purpose, his integrity of chareter & devotion to Texas, his high an<;l honorable bearing, his strong and internal connections near the government of that country, both with his old and intimate friend President Tyler, and may [sic] other leading men, all point him out eminently better suited than any other individual within the reach of your appointment.- Besides, there is a personal reason the justness of which I am sure will not be lost sight of by yourself.- Dr. Archer has filled various and important public trusts, always with honor to him- self and advantage to the country; every one of which up to the· present hour has with the most rigid economy brought him more, & more in debt, never at any time paying his dily [ sic J expenses, while other men both in, and out of the country, whose claims are ten-thousand times less upon Texas, have fattened upon foreign appointments under their ample good money pay.- Again, Dr. Archer has been under promise for the last two years to return to Virginia upon a visit to his daughters and friends; but his determination to remain by and sustain your ad- ministration, which all will allow he has done as fearlessly, and perhap~ more so than any other individual, has prevented this cherished desire of his old age.- Yea, if your Excellency does not know this fact, I do_ that there has not be!)n an hour since your inauguration when Dr Archer would not have shed the last drop of blood in defence of you and your measures.- In addition to these, there is another reason which should not be left out of view.- Perhaps Dr. Archer is the only man of your friends whom Genl. Houston would not recall so Eoon as he comes into office.- The foregoing reasons with others unnecessary to name would prevent this, when upon the other hand it might be con- structively considered a fraud upon the public for any other of your friends to accept an office, and pocket the emoluments thereof under the expectation of being recalled.-Your Excellency will doubtless think with me, that it is as much due to Dr. Archer that he should make this highly important treaty with our mother country, as was a similar serv- ice due to Benjamin Franklin or John Adams. This application then resolves itself into this plain proposition- Whether you will now appcint this exalted and incorruptible patriot to this responsible office, or leave it open to be filled by your successor, with perhaps a faithless and unprincipled demagogue.- It "is clear to my mind, that if you delay the appointment until Col Bee returns, the Hons_- ton party will then claim it as their priviledge; whereas, if it is now made, and with the good reasons which you can offer for it, entire satis- faction to all parties will be the consequence.- I do not wi~h to be understood as requesting Col Bee's recall, but on the other hand I should

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