The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume III



No. 2082 [1841 Au:g. 21] SAMUEL DIMON, ORANGE, PEORIA COUNTY, ILLINOIS, TO [MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LAMAR, ,AU S T I N , T E X A S ] Inquiry regarding Texas, especially the granting of lands to immi- grants under the bounty law. A. L. S. 1 p. No. 2083 1841 Aug. 22, BARNARD E. BEE, WASHINGTON, [D. C.] TO [MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE] LAMAR, [AUSTIN, TEXAS] Enclosing a letter from Hamilton to the Secretary of State enclosing a coII11punication of McIntosh to the French government; application for leave of absence to accompany Hamilton to Austin in November; hope for the consummation of the United States treaty; personal and family plans, news, and messages. A. L. S. 3 p. No. 2084 1841 Aug. 22, REUBEN M. POTTER, SAN ANTONIO, [TEXAS] TO M[IRABEAUJ B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, AUSTIN, ' [TEXAS] His willingness to accept the collectorship of Velasco; Austin's en- dorsement. A. L. S. 1 p. No. 2085 1841 Aug. '22, J. S. MAYFIELD, NACOGDOCHES, [TEXAS] TO [M. B. LAMAR, AUSTIN, TEXASJ.2 8 Nacogdoches 22nd. August 1841 Dear Genl. In my letter 9 to you by Mr Parmlee I mentioned the fact, that my affairs, together with my desire to secure my election to the next Congress precluded my return to Austin, and that my resignation would be wade out in form and sent on. Since that time my engagements electioneering and otherwise have been so pressing that I have omitted to make it out. It shall however be transmitted by the next mail. We have nothing of interest in the East- Burnet will get the vote I think in this county decidedly as we have at last aroused. My election is esteemed as certain, I propose to leave for Austin with my family in Sept. or the 1st. of Oct. In the event of Houston's election the friends oi' th& country must rally to her rescue the next session- a crisis is ugain at hand when every patriot must put his should [er] to the wheel or we mire. I am glad to hear of your continued good health, as much can yet

28 A. L. S. ..No. 2075.

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