caprice might not confirm me, and then society of the english court would _be rather formidable to one of my feelings and would only be encountered by me to avoid being thrown out, ·of a good living, and Principal of Legation to my liking.- Very many friends and com- panions who I esteem very much I would not Jike to be associated with in this manner- above alluded to if it could be avoided--- ! shall not complain in the least at any changes you may think proper to make as I am already indebted to you for a comfortable birth for a considerable time, and shall cheerfully give way should your conscience require it, either with or without the substitute of another office- and always feel gratefull for your Kindness heretofore and good opinion- I am on a short visit to my mother while Col Bee is at his post- Most respectfully
Yr friend & obt servt N. Amory. [Endorsed] N. Amory Boston July 6th 1841
f Addressed]
,Genl. Mirabeau B Lamar
President of the Republic of Texas Austin-
1Jare of Wm Bryan Consul for Texas New Orleans Recd. & forwarde_d by yr truly New Orleans ) Wm Bryan July 24th 1841 ) No. 2063
1841 July 14, SAMUEL A. ROBERTS, AUSTIN, rTEXAS] TO M[IRABEAU] B[UONAPARTEJ LAl\fAR, GALVESTON, [TEXASJ 3 Austin July 14th 1841 Dear General The mail last night, brought the resignation of Mr Toler, Chief Justice Washington County- to take effect from the 20th inst- He and Jno. T. Mills warmly recommend William H Ewing Esqr- There has been no other recommendation- As you gave me no instructions how to act in such cases, I have had a blank commission, sealed & signed by me and now enclose it, that you may fill in whatever name you may see fit- It is important, Mr Toler says, that the vacancy should be filled as soon as possible, otherwise the business of the Orphans court &c will suffer- I need not mention that the name & date of commis- sion should be furnished to the State dept for record- The town has been at a stand still, since you left us- Not an inci- dent has marked the passage of time, and for a wonder we have had no· messenger from the Santa fe expedition- Yes we h!],ve- Powhattan Archer came in the very day you left, I think, for orders to take the Mexican prisoner, captured a short time since by Capt Chandler of Franklin (Robinson County) Cook sent back for the prisoner to act as his guide to the Indian vilage. [sic] & Chandler refused to give him
1 A. L. S.
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