No. 2058 1841 June 30, [WILLIAJM T. AUSTIN, VELASCO, [TEXAS] TO l\f[IRABEAU] B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, AUSTIN, [TEXAS] Endorsing Peter McGreal for appointment as collector of the port of Velasco to succeed the writer; rumors against Ambrose Crane, another applicant. A. L. S. 1 p. No. 2059 1841 June 30, J. LOVE, GALVESTON, [TEXAS] TO M. B. LAMAR, AUSTIN, [TEXASJ 98 Galveston His Excellency Genl. M. B Lamar June 30. 1 [841] The return of Judge W[ebb] without accomplishing the objects of [his] mission, makes it certain to my mi[nd] that in order to procure peace, so desirable to us, a different course of policy is neces- sary towards Mexico from that which has hitherto been pursued. She is now powerless, divided into factions, and exercising but uncertain rule over most of the provinces all of whom are ready for revolt, Under these circumstan(,es is it not well to consider, what means of aggres- sio[n] and annoyance, we have in [our] power, and to make her feel, th[at] peace wit)1 Texas is necessary [for] her own security. I am aware that in the exhau[sted] state of our finances, that no efficie [nt] force can be put on foot for land services, but the Federalsits of the North, and [in] the South, may be strengthened by forming [so]me understanding with them of aid and [subs]istance, a few hun- dred soldiers would [do] this on [the] Rio del Norte, and a single vessel of War at Yucatan. I make these suggestions subject to the more mature consideration of yourself and cabinet before whom all the facts necessary for a proper understanding of the whole subject can be brought to bear. To my mind the most certain and efficient means of annoyance will be found in the putting" out of privateers with letters of Marque & reprisal under such restrictions and limitations as may comport with the honor of the Country. They would sweep down the Coast, cut up thr trade, and produce [su]ch a state of things as would compel the [c]entral Government to come to terms, or so strengthen the hands of the Federalists as to procure an active change in the Councils. We have here now beautiful swift vessel, that could go to ~ea in ten days if the authority can be procu[red.J she would be commanded by Capt Wheelwright, a skilfull sea man, a brave officer, and I should be p [leased] to see him have an opportunity of [seeking ?l his fortunes should your excellency agree in opinion with me, I would ask that the necessary papers be sent at once to Judge Webb, who will remain untill he hears from you. The return of Judge Webb, has put us all on the qui vive. We are to have a meeting on Saturday, whei:e he will address our citizens, We are for war and no Bank. ·
08 A. L. S.
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