Ja. Smith speedily reinforced the left wing and behaved handsomely- The right under Burleson was in like manner sustained by the detach- ment from his command under Lieut Col. Woodliff, when the eneiny were charged, and driven from their strong hold-abandoning the whole ground-and retreating into a dense thicket and swamp in the Neches bottom, which was charged by the whole force. The enemy having made no stand-the force was called off and formed upon the high land. The force of the enemy must have consisted of about five hun- dred, their line extending at one time a mile. The engagement lasted an hour and a half, and closed in the Neches bottom at the crossing to the Great Saline on the Sabine river, the ground they occupied. The loss of the enemy must have been considerable in killed and wounded signs of blood having been discovered on every part they occupied leaving amongst the slain Col. Bowl their arch chief. Our loss con- sists of two killed, and twenty seven wounded, three mortally- Two killed and twelve wounded of Burleson's Comd. four mortally wounded, and twelve otherwise of Rusks Comd. Those supposed to be mortally wounded are Maj R W. Augustine Jno S. Thompson of Capt H. W. Smith's Co.~ & Jno Ewing of Harrisons Co. & & rsic] Geo. J. l\Iartin 1 of Todds Co. I herewith enclose a copy of the reports 77 of the re- spective surgeons of the killed and wounded. The Brig Genl. in clos- ing this report cannot speak in too high terms of the bravery and de- termination of officers & men in an action so vigourously contested, our effective force numbering not more than 325-and returns his thanks for the promptness with which orders were delivered by the respective staff offi;cers. Adjt <hnl. McLeod Brigade :Maj Snively volunteer aids Cols. Davis, and ifabbit, & Capts Millroy and Pillory as also to the staff officers of the respective regiments Important benefits were de- rived from the exertions of the Sec of war and vice-President who were on the field. By order of
K. H. Douglas Brig Genl Comg
Ja. S. Mayfield · Aide camp.
A List 78 of Persons Killed and wounded in the Battle with the Cherokee Indians on the 15th. of July 1839-
Names Dr H Rogers John Crane H. P. Crowson Harper Ball Jo Anderson
Killed killed Do Mortal
Capt Comp. Tipps Harrisons Do H N Smiths Col. B Lewis
wounded Do Do Do Do
Do. Lewis Vansickle Box
Solomon Allbright Geo. T. Slaughter
77 Nos. 1369 and 1370.
1 •Cf. this list with nos. 1369, 1370, and 1372.
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