Cant you hurry the Post Master Genl. with the arrangement about the ;mail? According to the present arrangement we have to pay both ways here, and the postage is very heavy- Besides there is no appropriation by" Congress for any of the incidental expenses of the Legation, such as Stationary Postage &c-&c So you are determined the next Congress shall assemble at Austin- 1t serves them just right- Many of them thought you would· take the responsibility of re-assembling them at Houston and in that man- ner, hoped to shift the burthen from their own shoulders to yours- But how on earth are the people to live there next winter? Unless the roads are infinitely better than when I last passed over them, no wagon can be drawn over them They were then impassable Not even Jack assable as some one somewhere says about-something- I hope the necessi- ties of the people will compel them to set at once about constructing Rail Roads- Of course I can have no objection to my fathers, reading this letter, and if you are so minded (is this a proper word?) you can show it to him- One of your cousins who lost so many children & I think his wife in the Pulaskee, is here and rumor says is about to be married to a Miss Caznove-1 have not seen him If you can find an idle hour some time I should be highly delighted to have a line from you, if it is only to lrnow my letters reach you- How does Mr Jewett answer as an Editor? Your attached friend & obt servant Saml. A Roberts Genl. M. B. Lamar Houston [Addressed] Charge 118 S. A Roberts Confidential His Excellency. Mirabeau B. Lamar President Rep: Texas Care Wm. Bryan ) Houston Texan Agent ) Texai. New Orleans ) [Endorsed] Saml. A. Roberts. Washington Cty. July 9th. 1839. Genl. news &c. &c.
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