The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume III



have, in the emergency of the case and in the absence of any regularly appointed officer, taken it upon myself to perform the dutv of Com- missioner untill your pleasure can be known. I therefore r 0 espectfully solicit your instructions in the case.

Most r~spectfully

Your Obt Servt.

W. Roberts. Col. P.G.

President M. B. Lamar [Addressed] His Excellency M. B. Lamar President of Texas


W. Roberts

June 7 1839

No. 1344

1839 June 17, [l\I. B. LAMAR], GALVESTON, TEXAS, TO W. ROBERTS, GALVESTON, TEXAS4,2 Galveston 17th June 1839 To the Collector of Galveston Sir In reply to your note 43 of this day on the subject of appoint- ing a commissioner of wrecks for this port, I will at some Parly day, when my health will admit of it, give the subject further attention and if necessary make out in due form a commission for some proper person to perform the duty of Wrecker; in the mean time, & untill otherwise ordered, you will continue to act as Commissioner of Wrecks for the Port of Galveston agreably to the laws & usages of the U. States. You will take care, after collecting the revenues paying all the incidental & necessary expenses attending the salvage of wrecked property, to pay over to the treasury department the money arising from the sale thereof to be subject to the order of the rightful claimants. Respectfully Dr W. Roberts [J\.l. B. Lamar] Collector at Galveston No. 1345 1839' June 18, E. W. CULLEN, SAN AUGUSTINE,[TEXASJ, TO . M. B. LAMAR, HOUSTON, TEXAS 44 San-Augustine 18. June 1839. Dear Sir, I have sit [sic] down merely to give You a peep at the times here.-I told you when I left Houston, they were endeavouring to organ- ize a Sam Houston party against you in the next Congress,-if I mis- take not. Suffice it to say it is so. They are determined to run Hous- ton for a representative from this County; and I belieYe they will do it successfully. If I had let the bench alone, I could have oeen _a colleag11e

"A. Df. "No. 1343. "A. L. S.

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