a history of my movements in Europe after the departure of Genl Hamilton-urging the reasons which occured to me, why the oper- ation of the sinking fund, created by the Loan Law, should be made such as it was thought was necessary to insure the success of the nego- tiation- and informing you of the necessity which had arisen, after the departure of Genl Hamilton- Under the decep[t]ion of the Eug- lish & French Lawyers- that the Loan Law should be so amended as to give express authority to the Commissioners to pledge the stock for an advance- if a sale could not be made- Some few days ago, I wrote 43 you again from this place handing you a copy 44 of a letter from Mr Wilson, which I recd by the last steamer from England & informing you that I was expecting, but had not recd, a letter from Mr Shaw-since then I have recd Mr Shaws letter & hasten to hand you annexed a copy 45 of it- There is some talk about the Genl Government here assuming the debts of the states, and pledging the proceeds of sales of the public lands-such a step would relieve American Securities from the great depression they are now suffering in Europe & operate very beneficially on the Texas Loan- I fear the scheme will end in talk as I am in- formed the administration are opposed to it-
With sentaments of high respect & esteem I have the honour to subscribe
myself your Excellencys obt svt.
A. T Burnley
[Addressed] To His Excellency
[Endorsed] from A T Burnley, Loan Corns Dec 24th 1839.
Genl l\I. B. Lamar
President of the Republic of •rexas Austin
Enclosing letter from G Shaw.-
No. 1585 183,9 Dec. 24, J. H. STARR, AUSTIN, [TEXAS], TO 1\:1. B. LAl\IAR, [AUSTIN, TEXAS] 40 Treasury Department Austin Dec. 24-1839 To His Excellency Mirabeau B. Lamar President of the Republic, Sir- In reply to the several enqmnes contained in your communication of the morning I have the honor to state- that there is no evidence of a contract with Major Reily as Loan Comr on file in this Department, neither is there anything in his instructions upon the subject of his compensation- The law 47 of January 22nd
43 No. 1571. "No. 1534. "No. 1533. '°A. N. S. 47 Printed in Gammel, H. P. N., Laws of Texas, II, 64.
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