The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume III



No. 1578 183,9 Dec. 20, J. P. BORDEN, AUSTIN, [TEXAS], TO nL B. LAMAR, [AUSTIN, TEXASJ 32 Austin Dec. 20th 1839 Sir In reply to your note 33 of yesterday requesting a shewing from me of the expenses incurred in removing the Govt Archives &c from Houston to this City I beg leave to refer you the account as ren- dered by me to the 2nd Auditor a copy 34 of which duly certified to by him pleased find enclosed. The whole amount of Expenses, it will be seen, is $21.355.00 all whicp will more fully appear by reference lo the several vouchers now on file in the office of 2nd Auditor. I remain Your obt Servt His Excellency- John P. Borden

:M. B. Lamar


[Endorsed] John P. Borden Dec. 21. 1839

No. 1579 1839 Dec. 20, JO[H]N l\IILTON, NEW ORLEANS, [LOUISIANA], TO MIRABEAU [BUONAPARTE] LAMAR, AUSTIN, [TEXAS] Asking Lamar to propose him to Judge Webb as a law partner. A. L. S. 1 p. No. 1580 1839 Dec. 20, CYRUS JOY, TEXIAN CONSULATE OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, [PENNSYLVANIA], TO M[IRABEAU] B[UONAPARTE] LAl\IAR, AUSTIN, TEXAS Introducing the Rev. William 11foCalla. A. L. S. 1 p. No. 1581 183,9 Dec. 22, DAVID KELSEY HARRIS, PRESTONBURG, KEN- TUCKY, TO MIRABEAU B[UONAPARTEJ LAMAR, HOUSTON [AUSTIN, TEXAS] Requesting information regarding Texas and his nephew, General Kelsey H. Douglass; commending· James Love. • A. L. S. 3 p. "'N. S. ••No. 1577. "'This copy, dated Dec. 20, 1839, is in the Texas archives, Journals of fae Fourth Congress, on file in the Department of State.

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