The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume III



mediately subsequent to the adjournment of the last Congress, to pay Sarni Whiting an extra charge of five hundred and sixty three dollars for the paper used in printing the laws & Journals of 1837-and if such order was given by what authority he gave it-and have the honor to be your very Obedient & Humble Servant-

Thos Wm Ward

Ch£. Olk. H. R.

[Endorsed] Thomas W Ward, Olk. Ho Reps. Dec 18,/39 asking information , relative to certain monies paid Sam Whiting.

[Addressed] To His Excellency the President M. B. Lamar

No. 1575

1839' Dec. 19, W[ILLIAlM: G. LEWIS, EXECUTIVE DEPART- MENT, AUSTIN, [TEXAS], TO GEORGE T. WOOD, HOUSTON, [TEXAS] Answering Wood to Lamar, 1839, [Dec.] 8 30 regarding a letter of guardianship. Copy. 1 p. No. 1576 1839 Dec. 19, ELI WHITNEY, PRINCETON, [NEW JERSEY], TO [MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON [AUSTIN, TEXAS] Announcing his election to honorary membership in the Cliosophic Society of the College of New Jersey, conditioned upon his non-election to membership in the [American] Whig Society. A. L. S. 2 p. No. 1577 1839 Dec. 1'9, M. B. LAMAR, [AUSTIN, TEXAS], TO J. P. BOR- DEN, [AUSTIN, TEXASJ 31 (Copy) Executive Department ' 19th. Dec. 1839 John P. Borden Esq. Sir, I have just received from the Senate the following resolution to wit, "Resolved that the President of the Re- public be requested to lay before this Senate a statement of the ex- penses incurred in the removal of the Archives &c of the Government to the City of Austin" In compliance with this Resolution you will please furnish me, as early as practicable, with a statement of the expenses alluded to, accompanied with your vouchers. Yours Respectfully Signed, [Endorsed] Mirabeau B. Lamar Copy To John P. Borden Expenses of removal Dec. 19. 1839

"See no. 1560. "Copy by Wm. G. Lewis.

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