finds the prisoner, Corporal Robert Morris, guilty of the specification and guilty of the charge, and sentence him to be shot to death. EDWARD BURLESON, Col. Comd'g 1st Infantry, P~esident. W. D. HOUGHTON,.Lt. and Adjutant 1st Infantry, special Judge Advocate. No. 1533 1839 Nov.15, G. SHAW, NEWTON, [ENGLAND], TO A. T. BURN- . LEY, [NEW YORK? NEW YORK?] 5 Newton 15th Nov 1839. l\Iy dear Sir I was very glad to hear that you arrived in ample time for the Queen, and that you had left England in good health and spirib- The suspension of the Bank of the United States, of which we have since received inteligence, is an event of the greatest interest- I am far irvm thinking it will do any great harm at home, as it will place the institution in a situation which will render the collection of the large amount of debts due them, much less oppressive on the com- munity generally- But the effect on the credit of the country generally abroad, is in- calculable-· The Bank of the United States, being in truth the only establishment; except the general Government, which had a great and general credit- Seeing it suspend, the conclusion of many will be, that the credit of the whole country is in a state of general doubt & suspension I do not know however that this state of things will be prejudicial to your affair, if the money market generally is in an easy, excitable state- You offer higher inducements, and address yourselves to a different class of capitalists- Our friend Mr. Ardoin is very proud of the title you have conferred upon him, and is sincerely desirous to promote your affair- He had as you know a long conference with the l\Iarshall, and he purposes, seeing the under Secretary- 1\Ir. LeSage, with the view of ascertaining. how far the entire repeal of the wine duty, would be likely to promote your particular objects- Whether it might not induce the Government to advance you money· in the way proposed- This advance unless it led to a loan, I should not consider of any great advantage, as whatever was lent in that way> must be returned at the expiration of no very long period- But a demonstration of such confidence on the part of the French Government would generally influence the opinion of the French capi- talists, and no doubt facilitate the operation in both countries- And I think your liberality to the French in respect to duties on French productions might stimulate the English In respect to your negociation, every thing will be done in London and in Paris to press things forward to a state of maturity, so that
'Copy. Including appended letter no. 1584.
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