The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume III



No. 1322 75'3rl June 5, ilI. RUNT, NEW ORLEANS, [LOUISIANA], TO M. B. LAMAR,. [HOUSTON, TEXASJ 20

New Orleans 5th .June 1839 The speculations of the public journals of this

l\Iy Dear General

city are abundant on the subject of relation that may shortly exist with l\Iexico & Texas. Active operations, whether defensive or offensive, would be alike extremely popular in this country and there would be no difficulty, I think, in raising in the atlantic citi [e J s, a sufficient numher of Emigrants, to be_ connected with the Army, as regulars as soon as they arrive in Texas, to make the army several thousand strong. Should you determine to have enlisted and placed on actiYe duty a fource sufficiently large to annoy the enemy, by aiding the Federalists. should Colo Bee's mission fail, or in any other way to protect or defenil the country against l\Iexico, I repeat my desire to be connected with such fource. l\Iy private affairs would be totally disregarded in such event. Indeed I would not be deprived of a participation in such opera- tions should they occur, for my estate, and I would not I assure you deprive myself of a participation against the enemy for the [sic] most lovely Lady in the U. S. Speaking of Ladies, by the bye, I ha,·e to ~ay for a b-eautiful young Lady of this city, l\Iiss l\Ieur that she would be €Xceedingly honored to have a place ocupied by your pen in her Album. I of course had no doubt but that that pleasure would be equally agre- able to you &c. &c. In relation to our friend Dunlap I will again express my solicitude to you. His delay in reaching Wash- ington was not unreasonable, and I do not think it a good ground of complaint against him. 'rhere are persons at Houston doing much to injure his popularity. Every one has some faults. Gen: Dunlap is honest and patriotic, and is in every way an elevated gentleman. I shall do every thing in my power when I return to have his appoint- ment confirmed by the Senate. The support moreover of his nomina- tion, is the support of your Administration of the Govt, and the support of the country. I shall leave here in a few days for l\Iississippi where I expect to meet with Gen: Foote previous to his departure for Texas to compile its history. 30 I send the· name of Mr. S. W. Rudder enclosecl to .Judge Webb as you assented to his appointment as Consul at Vicksburg. Should our beligerant relations become active with l\Iex- ico, the appointment of Consuls at all the principal towns in the valley -of the l\Iississippi would, I should think, be important, ancl I recom- mend the subject to your consideration Please write to me often ancl sav what you intend to do in con- nection with the army should Colo Bee's l\Iission fail. You have not an adequate idear hovi' popular the taking of l\Iatamoras or any other military movement against l\Iexico would be in this country at this time. "A. L. S. '°Texas and the Texans, by Henry Stuart Foote, was published in 1841.

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