for delivering Cash and bonds to the Sec!etary of Treasury
The total amount of charges being Leaving the amount of Cash and bonds ) ) paid into the Treasury )
$31,521.13 By this statement you will percieve that the Corns
amount to near one seventh part of the sales and that the Auctioneer for performing a few days services in a capacity requiring the exercise of no rare latent or extraordinary prowess received as Compensation more than five thousand dollars. The amount allowed 1\Ir Doswell for Corns on the first sales in this City is unknown to this Department as the Agent has not yet made his report. I would respectfully suggest to your Excellency the propri- ety of instructing the Agent upon this subject requiring him to make a specific contract with the Auctioneer allowing him say One per cent for his services which in a sale of One hundred thousand to five hun- dred thousand dollars is a· very large compensation. I will add that good salesmen can be had for that percentum. I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
[Endorsed] Secretary of Treasury Octo. 30. 1839
Jas. H. Starr Secretary of the Treasury.
No. 1518
1839 Oct. 30, T. W. SWETE[ ?] HOUSTON, [TEXAS], TO MIRA- BEAU B[UONAPARTE] LA1\IAR, AUSTIN, TEXAS· Application for a commission in the l\farine Corps. A. L. S. 1 p. No. 1519 1839' Oct. 30, THO[l\fASJ J. RUSK, SAN AUGUSTINE, [TEXAS], TO l\f[IRABEAUJ B[UONAPARTEJ LAMAR, AUSTIN, TEXAS Recommending Col. K. L. Anderson for collector of customs uof this district." A. L. S. 1 p; No. 1520 1839 Oct. 30, JOHN WOODWARD, CONSULATE OF THE RE- PUBLIC OF TEXAS, NEW YORK, [NEW YORK], TO MIRA- BEAU B[UONAPARTEJ LAl\IAR, AUSTIN, TEXAS Introducing a committee representing a company of German emi- grants to Texas. L. S. 1 p. No. 1521 [1839 Oct. 30] wrILLIS.l ROBERTS, GALVESTON ISLAND, [TEXASL TO M[IRABEAUJ B[UONAPARTEJ LAMAR, [AUSTIN, TEXASJ 52 Payment of part of his dues to the Government; arrangements £or paying the balance due. A. L. S. 3 p. °'Too illegible to copy.
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