The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume III



No. 1506 1839 Oct. 26, J. HAMILTON, MACON, GEORGIA, TO l\f. B. LAMAR, AUSTIN, TEXAS 37 Macon Georgia Oct 26 1839. My Dear Sir.- ------- I drop you a line to inform you that as I cannot embark until the 15h of Nov.. from New Orleans that I have concluded to wait for the Neptune on the 20h in order that I may bring you the intelligence by the Great Western of what Mr Bu(r]nley & Mr. Shaw have been able to do in my absence, in reference to the Loan. I would suggest in your annual message that you say nothing about the change of the Bonds or the Sinking Fund Bond or act, but Make this the subject of a Special l\Iessage on my arrival,- when I will give you all the principles & details of the Measure.- I remain l\Iy Dear Sir

With Sincere esteem

Very respecy Your ob Svt J. Hamilton! [Endorsed]

His Excellency ) l\L B. Lamar ) [Addressedl

J. Hamilton Octo 26. '39

His Excellency --M. B. Lamar-- Austin


No. 1507

1839 Oct. 26, T. R. STIFF, RICHMOND, [TEXAS], TO M. B. LAMAR, AUSTIN, TEXAS 38 Richmond Oct 26. 1839 Genl Lamar. Sir I b-eg pardin for obtruding my self upon your notice, but under the existing circumstances I can not refrain from so doing, On my arrival at Houston I was informed by many respec- table citizins ·of that place, that you had taken an unwarrintable privi- lige of abusing me in my absence, The first charge you brought was that I had forged your signature on two notes drawn by me in favour of Judge Scott in Houston In the second pla~e that you knew that I had left my family never to return. In the third place that I had sued you for three thousand dollars in good money, I do pronounce the above charges to be as false, and debace as the author which I hope I shall be able to prove to every honest citizin of this republic; I shall take my family to Houston in some few days, where I shall be happy to receive an answer to the above Respectfuly T R Stiff P S I am extreamly happy to here that you have become so symp'l-

arA. L. S. "A. L. S.

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