No. 1506 1839 Oct. 26, J. HAMILTON, MACON, GEORGIA, TO l\f. B. LAMAR, AUSTIN, TEXAS 37 Macon Georgia Oct 26 1839. My Dear Sir.- ------- I drop you a line to inform you that as I cannot embark until the 15h of Nov.. from New Orleans that I have concluded to wait for the Neptune on the 20h in order that I may bring you the intelligence by the Great Western of what Mr Bu(r]nley & Mr. Shaw have been able to do in my absence, in reference to the Loan. I would suggest in your annual message that you say nothing about the change of the Bonds or the Sinking Fund Bond or act, but Make this the subject of a Special l\Iessage on my arrival,- when I will give you all the principles & details of the Measure.- I remain l\Iy Dear Sir
With Sincere esteem
Very respecy Your ob Svt J. Hamilton! [Endorsed]
His Excellency ) l\L B. Lamar ) [Addressedl
J. Hamilton Octo 26. '39
His Excellency --M. B. Lamar-- Austin
No. 1507
1839 Oct. 26, T. R. STIFF, RICHMOND, [TEXAS], TO M. B. LAMAR, AUSTIN, TEXAS 38 Richmond Oct 26. 1839 Genl Lamar. Sir I b-eg pardin for obtruding my self upon your notice, but under the existing circumstances I can not refrain from so doing, On my arrival at Houston I was informed by many respec- table citizins ·of that place, that you had taken an unwarrintable privi- lige of abusing me in my absence, The first charge you brought was that I had forged your signature on two notes drawn by me in favour of Judge Scott in Houston In the second pla~e that you knew that I had left my family never to return. In the third place that I had sued you for three thousand dollars in good money, I do pronounce the above charges to be as false, and debace as the author which I hope I shall be able to prove to every honest citizin of this republic; I shall take my family to Houston in some few days, where I shall be happy to receive an answer to the above Respectfuly T R Stiff P S I am extreamly happy to here that you have become so symp'l-
arA. L. S. "A. L. S.
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