France has recognised the Independence of Texas-The treaty has been concluded and only waits for the signature of the King who was not at Paris- I have heard nothing more of the particulars than J gave in my last letter- Genl Henderson will go immediately to Lon- don & try England again, I hardly think however he will do any thing there just now tho: we have the best advices of the favourable disposi- tion of England- The reason why I think she will not act at this time is, that she has instructed her Minister at Mexico, Mr Packenhani, to interpose in some way, I know not exactly how, in order to bring about a settlement of our difficulties, and she will in all probability decline doing any thing more until she hears from her Minister- You may calculate however upon onfe] thing certain- We will either have a definite treaty of peace with Mexico befor[e] the expiration of six months (at the outside) or a truce of three years- I am not at liberty to say how or even by whom this is to be effected, but I believe it most firmly & in any important matter would act upon it as almost certain- It will not even be necessary to Blockade their coast I thinlc- -Our Govt will be immediately advised of the steps that have been taken to effect all this- Mr Henderson will soon return from Europe & then appointments will be to be [sic] made I think the best plan would be to follow the precedent set bT the U States- They sent as you well recollect a commission of three (l\fr Adams Mr Jay & Doct Franklin) if I recollect ar[ight] with general powers to all the coun[triesl of Europe- The advantage of this was manifo[ld-] it sav[ed] expense, insured the talent & vigilance of three experienced men, a1lowed one or two to visit different courts when necessary & kept one always at head quarters (near Paris I think tho' I WTite only from memory) In this manner Commercial Treaties with nearly every important power were formed in a very short time- If the Goverment ,vill do this I think Genl Dunlap would be one good appointment- He cant write well it is true, but has knowled~e of men & how they are to be managed I see displayed every day- & besides he would willing-Iv be rid of the pen- He would willingly accept it too- I wish you would immediately write to Genl L- giving him your news- Belgium Russia Prussia & other govts represented here, have intimated Yery broadly that they would act immediately if applied to- It is all important & should not be delayed- I would write to him ( Genl Lamar) if I felt certain of my letters ever reaching him- I have alreadv writen four or five times & am yet uninformed whether any one has ever reached its destination- I am i~ exce_llent health and lead a very qui [e]t and I may even say, stud10us life- I go to church once or twice every sunday, confining myself to no particular sect- tomorrow I go to the Presby- terian- I wish particularly to recollect on[e] thing Under no cir- custance is Genl D- to be disobliged for me-• I know not if such a thing is intended or not, but it must not be- I know his little -faults a~ w~l~ as any one, but I know also his sterling good qualities; and his d1smterested attachment to Lamar- Among his fri[e]nds Genl L
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