The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume III



small- with a map, chapters &c- it will be out in one month. 79 Our :Money! is yet low 25c to 30 sale yesterday $1000-which I bot[sic) of course- and I have left $1000 US money with Mr Joy for one at $25 or two it should not depreciate had I the means. The System of Bonding at the Customs has been ruinous of our cur- ency- No demand now, but would have been for eny vessel going out, for from 1 to 2000 passengers & for Duty-Now, nobody wants it- Mr. Jov desires me to tender to the President GBnl Lamar. his regarde & ackn~wledgments-Never has Phila & New York known inthe worst of times such a state of things in the Money market- Failur[e]s- U. S. Bank 101-from 130 99½ in New York 50c below par 2 & 3 pr ct pr mo-for money here- Fa[re]w[e]ll

Your most

H. Thompson [rubric]



Letter from

Mr H Thompson

His Excellencv


M. B Lamar

19th Sept 1839

Galveston 1'exas

No. 1455

1839 Sept. 19, JACKSON SMITH, HOUSTON", [TEXAS], TO [MIRABEAU BUONAPARTEJ LAMAR, [HOUSTON, TEXAS] Resignation as f,tock commissioner: A. L. S. 1 p. No. 1456 1839 Sept. 20, W. KENNEDY, LONDON, [ENGLAND'], TO l\I. B. LAl\IAR, [HOUSTON, TEXAS] 80 Private and Confidential

17 Tavistock Square London Septr. 20th 1839

Dear General,

I arrived in England about a month ago, and have since my arrival been chiefly occupied in arranging private affairs, which had become somewhat entangled during an absence of eighteen months. On landing at Liverpool, I had the pleasure of meeting General Hamilton, who leaves London today for the U. S. and Texas, & who, of course, will communicate all the European news that may be of interest to your Republic. General H. has been pleased to express his approba- tion of the letter, a copy 81 of which is enclosed, together with the pro- duction that called it forth- I trust it will also be as well received, as it was kindly l\Ieant[ ?], among my friends in Texas. Matters have been placed in such a train that the representatives of

"See note• to no. 1412. ••A. L. S.

"Perhaps the newspaper letter to which he refers later on in his letter. This letter and the "production that called it forth" are no longer with the Lamar Papers.

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